New Relic: How to Get Synthetics Monitoring to Work

In today’s digital landscape, businesses rely heavily on web applications to serve their customers and meet their needs. Ensuring these applications perform optimally and are available at all times is critical for providing a seamless user experience. This is where the value of synthetic monitoring becomes evident. New Relic, a leading application performance monitoring (APM) tool, offers a powerful solution known as Synthetics Monitoring.

Introduction to New Relic and Synthetics Monitoring

Synthetics Monitoring is designed to imitate user interactions and behavior, allowing organizations to monitor their web applications, APIs, and critical transactions from various locations across the globe. By proactively running synthetic tests, businesses can identify potential performance bottlenecks, latency issues, and downtime scenarios before real users are impacted.

Understanding the Importance of Synthetics Monitoring

In the fast-paced digital world, even a slight delay in application response times can lead to customer dissatisfaction and loss of revenue. Synthetics Monitoring addresses this challenge by continuously testing and evaluating application performance, helping organizations maintain a high level of reliability and availability.

Furthermore, Synthetics Monitoring plays a crucial role in assessing the performance and functionality of APIs. Since APIs serve as the backbone of modern web applications, monitoring their responsiveness and correctness is paramount.

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Setting Up a New Relic Account and Accessing Synthetics

To take advantage of Synthetics Monitoring, the first step is to create a New Relic account. If you don’t have an account yet, signing up is quick and straightforward. Once you have access to your New Relic dashboard, navigate to the Synthetics section.

The Synthetics section provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to configure and manage your synthetic monitors efficiently. From here, you can set up new monitors, view existing ones, and analyze the data collected during tests.

Configuring Synthetics Monitors

Defining Monitor Locations and Frequencies

When configuring synthetic monitors, choosing the right locations to execute tests is essential. Select locations that are geographically relevant to your user base. This ensures that you capture performance data from the perspectives of your actual users.

Additionally, consider the frequency at which the synthetic tests should run. Frequent tests provide more data points, but they may also generate excessive load on your application. Finding the right balance is crucial to obtaining meaningful and actionable insights.

Selecting Monitor Types

New Relic offers a range of monitor types to suit different monitoring needs:

  • Ping Tests: Simple and quick tests to check the availability of your web application.
  • HTTP Requests: Evaluate response times and validate specific endpoints of your application.
  • Scripted Browser Tests: Simulate complex user interactions, such as form submissions and navigation flows.

By selecting the appropriate monitor types, you can focus on monitoring specific aspects of your application’s performance.

Setting Up Alert Conditions

Creating alert conditions is vital for timely incident response. When your application’s performance deviates from the expected baseline, alert conditions trigger notifications to designated team members.

Define alert thresholds carefully to avoid unnecessary alerts while ensuring that critical issues are promptly addressed. Fine-tune the sensitivity of your alerts based on your application’s normal performance patterns.

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Managing Synthetic Scripts

The heart of Synthetics Monitoring lies in the synthetic scripts. These scripts define the steps the synthetic monitor should take during the test. Crafting accurate and realistic scripts is crucial for meaningful test results.

To create effective scripts, you must understand how users interact with your application and what scenarios are critical to test. Regularly update and optimize scripts to reflect changes in your application’s user experience.

Monitoring Web Applications with Synthetics

Testing Website Availability and Response Times

One of the primary use cases of Synthetics Monitoring is to check the availability and responsiveness of your website. By performing regular ping tests or HTTP request checks, you can ensure that your users can access your services without any disruptions.

Monitoring response times helps you identify potential latency issues that might affect user experience. Understanding how your application behaves in different locations and under various loads is essential for delivering consistent and reliable service.

Monitoring Complex User Flows

Modern web applications often involve multi-step user interactions, such as logging in, navigating through complex workflows, or completing transactions. Synthetics can simulate these interactions by using scripted browser tests.

By setting up multi-step synthetic tests, you can monitor critical user flows and identify any bottlenecks or errors that may occur. This allows you to optimize the user experience and improve conversion rates.

Tracking API Performance and Functionality

For applications that rely heavily on APIs, monitoring API performance is of utmost importance. Synthetics Monitoring allows you to validate API endpoints and ensure that they meet your response time expectations.

By tracking API performance, you can gain insights into how your application interacts with external services and detect any issues that may arise from API latency or functionality.

Analyzing Synthetics Data and Reports

Identifying Performance Bottlenecks

After running synthetic tests over time, you’ll gather a significant amount of performance data. Analyzing this data helps you identify performance bottlenecks, such as slow-loading pages, inefficient database queries, or third-party service dependencies.

Identifying these bottlenecks enables you to prioritize optimizations and allocate resources effectively.

Troubleshooting Errors and Issues

Synthetics tests might occasionally detect errors or failures. When this happens, it’s essential to investigate the root cause promptly.

By examining the test results, logs, and any error messages, you can determine whether the issue lies with your application code, server configurations, or external dependencies.

To gain a deeper understanding of your application’s performance, compare historical data from different periods. By analyzing trends over time, you can spot any gradual performance degradation or improvements.

This information helps with capacity planning, as you can anticipate the need for additional resources during peak periods.

Integrating Synthetics Monitoring with New Relic APM and Insights

New Relic offers an ecosystem of tools that complement each other. By integrating Synthetics Monitoring with New Relic’s APM and Insights features, you gain a comprehensive view of your application’s health and performance.

Correlating Synthetics Data with Application Performance Metrics

APM provides detailed insights into your application’s performance at the code level. By correlating APM metrics with Synthetics data, you can identify how performance affects end-user experiences.

For example, you can examine whether slow-loading pages are associated with specific backend processes or external API calls.

Creating Custom Dashboards and Reports

Custom dashboards and reports allow you to visualize performance data in a way that aligns with your organization’s unique needs. By tailoring the reports to your team’s requirements, you can efficiently share performance data and insights with stakeholders.

Best Practices for Effective Synthetics Monitoring

Selecting Optimal Monitor Locations

When choosing monitor locations, consider your target audience and the regions they are located in. Monitoring from geographically relevant locations provides valuable data on how different user groups experience your application.

Designing Realistic Synthetic Tests

To gain accurate insights, create synthetic tests that accurately simulate real user behavior. Test scenarios should mirror actual user interactions to reflect the typical user experience.

Fine-Tuning Alert Conditions

Avoid “alert fatigue” by refining alert conditions to avoid false positives. Review historical performance data and set alert thresholds that align with your application’s normal behavior. This prevents unnecessary notifications while ensuring that critical issues are promptly brought to your attention.

Additionally, consider implementing intelligent alerting mechanisms that take into account multiple performance metrics to trigger alerts. For example, you can configure alerts based on a combination of response time and error rate to capture complex performance issues.

Leveraging Data for Performance Improvements

Synthetics Monitoring generates a wealth of performance data. Use this data to make data-driven decisions and continuously enhance your application’s performance.

By analyzing historical trends and patterns, you can identify areas that require optimization. Focus on the most critical aspects of your application, such as high-traffic pages or frequently used APIs, to maximize the impact of your performance improvements.

Ensuring Security and Privacy in Synthetics Monitoring

While conducting synthetic tests, you may encounter scenarios that involve sensitive data. Ensure that your synthetic scripts are designed to handle sensitive information responsibly.

Avoid exposing confidential data during synthetic tests, and consider using test accounts or anonymized data to simulate user interactions. This helps maintain data privacy and security while still providing valuable performance insights.

Furthermore, it’s crucial to align your Synthetics Monitoring practices with data protection regulations. Be aware of any compliance requirements that apply to your industry and region and take necessary measures to remain compliant.

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Common Challenges and Troubleshooting Tips

Dealing with False Positives/Negatives

False alerts can erode trust in your monitoring system and waste valuable time. To minimize false positives, continuously review and fine-tune your alert conditions based on changing application behaviors.

When false negatives occur, meaning that genuine issues are not detected, investigate the root cause and adjust alert thresholds or expand the scope of monitoring to capture these events in the future.

Overcoming Monitoring Limitations

While Synthetics Monitoring provides valuable insights, it is essential to understand its limitations. Synthetic tests can simulate user behavior but may not replicate real-world conditions accurately.

To complement synthetic monitoring, consider using real-user monitoring (RUM) data. RUM provides insights into how actual users experience your application in real-time and can uncover issues that synthetic tests might miss.

Investigating Fluctuations in Data

When synthetic test data fluctuates, it’s essential to investigate the underlying causes. Fluctuations may result from changes in application code, server configurations, or external service providers.

By examining the test environment and comparing data from multiple monitoring sources, you can identify the factors contributing to the fluctuations and take appropriate actions.

The Future of Synthetics Monitoring and New Relic

As technology continues to evolve, New Relic is likely to introduce new features and enhancements to its Synthetics Monitoring tool.

Keep an eye on New Relic’s updates and announcements to stay informed about the latest advancements in synthetic monitoring. These improvements may include more advanced scripting capabilities, expanded monitoring options, and enhanced integrations with other New Relic products.


Synthetics Monitoring in New Relic is a powerful tool for ensuring the optimal performance of your web applications and APIs. By proactively monitoring from various locations, analyzing performance data, and fine-tuning alerts, businesses can detect and resolve potential issues before they impact real users.

Integrating Synthetics data with other New Relic features, such as APM and Insights, provides a comprehensive view of your application’s health and empowers your team with valuable insights for continuous improvement.

With Synthetics Monitoring, organizations can confidently deliver high-quality user experiences, improve application performance, and stay ahead in today’s competitive digital landscape.


  1. What is New Relic Synthetics Monitoring? New Relic Synthetics Monitoring is a powerful tool that allows businesses to proactively monitor their web applications, APIs, and critical transactions from various locations, ensuring optimal performance and user experience.
  2. How do I access Synthetics in New Relic? To access Synthetics in New Relic, you need a New Relic account. Sign up for an account, and then navigate to the Synthetics section from the New Relic dashboard.
  3. What types of monitors does New Relic offer? New Relic offers various monitor types, including ping tests, HTTP requests, and scripted browser tests, catering to different monitoring needs.
  4. Can I integrate Synthetics data with other New Relic features? Yes, New Relic allows you to integrate Synthetics data with other features like APM and Insights, providing a holistic view of your application’s performance.
  5. How can I ensure the security of my synthetic tests? To maintain security during synthetic tests, avoid exposing sensitive data. Use test accounts or anonymized data to simulate user interactions responsibly.

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